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Commercially licensed Photos and Virtual tours for Hotels, Builders, Developers and Showhomes


HDR Photography

iGuide floor plan navigation_edited.jpg

iGuide Premium /w RMS


Drone Photos

iGuide Premium

/w fixtures & RMS


$186 up to 1200 soft

$222 up to 2000 sqft

$258 up to 3000 sqft

$294 up to 4000 sqft

Call for up Larger

*Include basement SQFT if you want it scanned*

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Commercial Licensed Photography


$310 up to 30 photos

$370 up to 40 photos

$430 up to 50 photos

$490 up to 60 photos

Call for up Larger


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$260 10-15 photos for Exterior updates, reshoots or Twilights


$35 Surcharge for Canmore business permits


We can also provide Matterport but do not recommend it and we do not host Matterport tours. 



iGuide Premium example for show homes, builders, and developers

Commercially Licensed Photos


 •    Purpose: Used for broader business purposes, such as in advertising campaigns, branding, brochures, websites, and other marketing materials. Commercial licensing applies to photos that are intended to promote a business, product, or service.

    •    Duration & Scope: Often a longer-term or even unlimited license. Commercial licenses can specify multiple uses, including in digital and print, and may include exclusivity clauses.

    •    Usage Restrictions: This license is generally more comprehensive and may cover a wider range of platforms and channels. It might also include geographic and duration terms (e.g., worldwide, for 5 years, etc.).

    •    Cost: Significantly higher due to the broader scope and potential value of the photos to the business. The rights granted under a commercial license can be more extensive and flexible.

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