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Evacuation plans

Calgary Evacuation plan fire escape airbnb floor plan.jpeg

For your commercial or residential building

Our floor plans are marked up with out in house easily recognized icons

The City of Calgary requires hotels, Airbnbs, commercial spaces and residential spaces to have an evacuation plan​

We are here to help, with our mapping cameras we create floor plan with a custom template with your branding on it.  


Evacuation plans can include a virtual tour if needed, it's included. 


0-1,500 sq.ft. $180

1,501-3,000 sq.ft. $210

3,001-4,000 sq.ft. $240

4,001-5,000 sq.ft. $270

Call for larger​


Calgary city limits, no charge
ll photography outside the City limits is $0.55/km

Airbnb Floor plans

Bylaw details:


On June 6, 2023 Calgary City Council approved bylaw changes to the requirements for short-term rental business licences. Changes will come into effect on January 1, 2024 and will apply to new and renewing short-term rental licences.

The changes to the business licence requirements strengthens the accountability of short-term rental hosts and property owners, reduces negative impacts on the community and enhances the safety of guests. The bylaw changes reflect The City’s commitment to creating a fair and sustainable environment for all residents, visitors and businesses.

Key changes


All current and prospective short-term rental hosts are required to have a business licence to provide temporary accommodation for compensation. 



Key changes taking effect in January 2024 to the business licence requirements include:

  • A floor plan of the dwelling unit or portion of the dwelling unit offered must be provided, including: 

  • All rooms for rent, including all rooms offered as bedrooms or available for the purpose of sleeping (living rooms with a fold out couch for example)

  • Location of all smoke alarms and fire extinguishers

  • Location of fire exits

  • Dimensions of the rooms

  • Proof of ownership of the dwelling unit or written owner consent

  • If in a condo, also need written proof from the condo board that Short Term Rentals are permitted

  • Proof of Insurance indicating the location is operating as a business

  • Licence Inspector review

  • Annual fire inspections done by Calgary Fire Department will be required to ensure compliance with all life safety requirements

The bylaw changes reflect The City's commitment to creating a fair and sustainable environment for all residents, visitors and businesses. These amendments aim to strike a balance between enabling the economic benefits for short-term rentals and minimize the negative impacts on the community.​

Yes, City of Calgary Business licensed

Yes, Drone Licensed & Insured 

Yes, E&O Insured

Yes, Liability insured​

©2020 by Brendan Harris

Airbnb Photographer for Calgary
Google Maps Street View Trusted Photography
iGuide virtual tour calgary
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